Wednesday, November 30, 2011



READ MORE - Speechless


Tiba-tiba inget ini.

Dan tiba-tiba juga inget kata-kata ini :

"Music allows me to be something important but it’s not who I am, it’s what I do. I am not famous, or rather, I don’t really want to be famous in the way American media defines a “celebrity” as someone so untouchable that you can’t even “earn” his or her attention—as if that would be moral by anyone’s standards. I just want to make music. I just want to be myself."
-Adam Young-

Tiba-tiba aja inget. 
Iya, tiba-tiba.
Semuanya tiba-tiba.
READ MORE - Tiba-tiba

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I just don't know..
I don't like seeing him in a clip with a girl..



*but by the way, don't you think the lady in the video looks a bit.... OLD? For Adam? Yeah. I'm just saying.*
READ MORE - Youtopia

Monday, November 28, 2011

Expectation vs reality

Expectation :

Reality :
READ MORE - Expectation vs reality

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Raja Ampat

Happy Holiday!

Kalo lagi libur gini paling enak jalan-jalan kan yaa.
Bingung pengen jalan-jalan ke mana?

Raja Ampat bisa jadi salah satu destination yang recomended banget.

Jadi tadi pagi gw nonton salah satu acara jalan-jalan selebriti di salah satu station tv swasta di Indonesia (ups, kesebut deh tuh nama acaranya). Dan di acara itu ceritanya si Dinda Kanya Dewi sama Ramon Y Tungka lagi jalan-jalan di Raja Ampat.

Dan salah satu scene yang bikin gw ketawa ngakak adalah ketika mereka lagi di Arborek (cmiiw).
Jadi di situ si Dinda sama si Ramon ngeliat mba-mba gitu lagi nelfon di atas pohon.
Dan ternyata alasan si mba-mba itu nelfon di atas pohon adalah supaya dapet sinyal.
Wakakak. Kocak parah.
Alhasil si Dinda dan Ramon pun mencoba cara itu (ikut naek ke atas pohon).

Hmmm, kalo koneksi internet di sana gimana ya kira-kira?
Apa kita harus naek ke atas pohon juga biar koneksinya cepet? LOL.
(lagi-lagi OOT, okay back to topic).

Raja Ampat terletak di povinsi Papua Barat dan terdiri 610 pulau.
Tapi yang berpenghuni hanya 35 pulau, sisanya tidak berpenghuni dan sebagian besar belum memiliki nama. Sebagai daerah kepulauan, ya mau ga mau alat transportasi yang digunakan si sana adalah transportasi laut.
"Kepulauan Raja Ampat merupakan tempat yang sangat berpotensi untuk dijadikan sebagai objek wisata, terutama wisata penyelaman. Perairan Kepulauan Raja Ampat menurut berbagai sumber, merupakan salah satu dari 10 perairan terbaik untuk diving site di seluruh dunia. Bahkan, mungkin juga diakui sebagai nomor satu untuk kelengkapan flora dan fauna bawah air pada saat ini" - Wikipedia.
"Raja Ampat sangat dikenal bahkan dinilai terbaik di dunia untuk kualitas terumbu karangnya. Banyak fotografer bawah laut internasional mengabadikan pesona laut Raja Ampat. Bahkan ada yang datang berulang kali dan membuat buku khusus tentang keindahan terumbu karang dan biota laut kawasan ini. Pertengahan 2006 lalu, tim khusus dari majalah petualangan ilmiah terkemuka dunia, National Geographic, membuat liputan di Raja Ampat yang akan menjadi laporan utama pada 2007" -
Pengen liat kaya apa keindahan Raja Ampat? Here it is:

Waah, keren kan.
Kita harusnya mesti bangga karena punya kekayaan yang belum tentu negara lain punya.
I'm proud to be Indonesian deh pokoknya.
Tapi inget, musti kita jaga ya guys..

Ok sip kalo gitu Raja Ampat resmi masuk ke dalam list tujuan wisata gw kelak :)

Eh eh by the way, di sepanjang acara jalan-jalan selebriti tadi gw seneng loh, soalnya lagunya Owl City sering dipake buat backsound acara ini. Senangnyaaa..
FYI, Station tv ini emang sering banget pake lagunya Owl City buat backsound di acara-acara mereka.  #infogapenting #gausahditanggepin #bubarbubar .

source 1
source 2
source 3
source 4 
READ MORE - Raja Ampat

Friday, November 25, 2011

I hope you think of me

Eaaaa, dari judulnya aja udah ketauan banget kalo lagu ini paling pas didengerin ketika galau gundah gulana datang menyerang menerjang kaya di dini hari ini.

Mari kita dengarkan dengan khidmat, dengan seksama dan dalam tempo sesingkat-singkatnya.

Nah kan, ketauan juga nih kalo si Adam masih galau sama si Taylor Swift.
Hadeuu, makanya mendingan ke Indonesia (lagi) dam, di sini ada evi swift :hammer.

Pengen cepet denger versi recordingan aslinya si Adam.
Semoga cepet keluar deh ya..

Sekian dan terima kasih.
Salam galau.
Waaa ee wa e oo, wa ee wa e o.. (???)
READ MORE - I hope you think of me

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Hey teman-teman, lihatlah apa yang gw temukan tadi pagi di halaman rumah gw.

Kalian tau itu hewan apa?  

Iyaak betul.. 
Itu adalah Cangcorang atau belalang sembah.

Ternyata cangcorang itu ga sendirian, ada anak-anaknya juga yang masih unyil-unyil alias masih baby.
Ini dia :  


Emang dasar the explorer banget deh gw. (Dora the explorer kali ah).
Explore mulai dari yang penting sampe yang ga penting kaya gini. (tapi kayanya kebanyakan yang ga penting, lol).

Ternyata si Cangcorang ini ada lagunya juga loh.
Hebat banget ya si Cangcorang sampe dibikinin lagu.

Ini dia lagunya : 

Cangcorang - Nona Nanda

rumahmu dimana
apakah kamu punya ayah ibu.

Aku punya ayah aku punya ibu
tapi tak tahu ada dimana.

kenapa main sendiri
apakah kamu tidak punya teman.

Aku punya teman
teman yang setia
tapi rumahnya
jauh di hutan.

Cangcorang e e eh cangcorang
kamu seperti yatim piatu.

Cangcorang e e eh cangcorang e e eh
maukah kamu jadi sahabatku.

Wua ha ha makanku banyak
wua ha ha minumku banyak
wua ha ha senang sekali
sekarang aku ada yang traktir.

rumahmu dimana
apakah kamu punya ayah ibu.

Aku punya ayah aku punya ibu
tapi tak tahu ada dimana.

kenapa main sendiri
apakah kamu tidak punya teman.

Aku punya teman
teman yang setia
tapi rumahnya
jauh di hutan.

Cangcorang e e eh cangcorang
kamu seperti yatim piatu.

Cangcorang e e eh cangcorang e e eh
maukah kamu jadi sahabatku.

Wua ha ha makanku daun
wua ha ha minumku madu
wua ha ha perutku gendut
sekarang aku mau tidur.

rumahmu dimana
apakah kamu punya ayah ibu.

Aku punya ayah aku punya ibu
tapi tak tahu ada dimana.

kenapa main sendiri
apakah kamu tidak punya teman.

Aku punya teman
teman yang setia
tapi rumahnya
jauh di hutan.

Gimana gimana, pada tau lagu itu ga?
Katanya sih lagu itu populer di tahun 1998.
Tapi ko gw ga tau ya? :hammer.
Itu pas jamannya gw masih SD padahal.
Keseringan dengerin Owl City mulu sih 
*lah? emang Owl City udah ada pas jamannya gw SD? si Adamnya juga masih junior high school kali ah*
#abaikan #anggapsajaanginlalu
READ MORE - Cangcorang

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tourism and Nostalgia

It’s been six and a half months since I set out on a journey that carried me across four continents, 29 countries and literally around the entire globe. 96 shows later, the All Things Bright and Beautiful tour, the most recent chapter in the Owl City story, has come to a close.

And now here I sit alone in my living room, exactly the way I left it, like a veteran home from the war. The bus is gone, the gear is in storage, I don’t have to ask my tour manager where the green room is or what time soundcheck is or whether I’m going to get a shower tonight or not. I don’t have to search the corners of the room for outlets, I don’t have to live out of a suitcase anymore.

For the moment, I’m not sure what to do with myself. There’s always a transitional handful of days that inevitably follow the end of a long journey, and when it clocks in at over half a year, it’s a big change of gears. It’s like a tall glass of jet lag with a slice of bittersweet lemon.

It’s the end of an era.

But soon I find myself sitting around a table in a noisy restaurant with friends and family who ask me how the tour went, what I did, what I saw, how I felt, and what the whole thing was like. I watch the anticipation/expectation spread across their faces and it’s then that I feel a little disappointing because the life of a tourist is rarely as glamorous as it seems, which means life on tour doesn’t really make for five-star storytelling. So I usually just sigh and smile and order another lemonade and say, “Oh, it was a lot of time driving and waiting in airports.”

Life on tour is not the kind of thing one can really talk about because you really have to be there. It’s a difficult thing to describe and few people understand it themselves, let alone possess the patience or resolve to be understanding of it. I’ve learned this the hard way.

The thing I think I miss the most when I return home after a long journey is the soothing lull and rumble of bus tires on asphalt directly underneath me. I miss the muffled hum of the generator and the way the engine sometimes coughs as it caries me hundreds upon hundreds of miles through the night. I’ll have to figure out how to sleep in a bedroom again.

I miss the frivolous banter and the familiar voices in the green room or on the other end of my in-ears. I miss the way the backstage rooms shudder and shake and things rattle and move while Jackson is EQing bass tracks in the house. I miss not knowing where we are or where we’re going or where the next show is, but loving the ride because in so many ways, life is about the journey and not the destination. I miss the new faces and the energy in the audience and the spirit in the room so thick you could cut it with a knife. I miss the sparkle and shimmer and the dull roar of the opening band playing downstairs and the thunderous applause after each song. I miss the butterflies, the dull ache of nervousness before the intro. I miss the camaraderie and the companionship and the mutual support, the jokes, the chatter and the lightheartedness. I miss knowing there’s a job to be done and taking it seriously, viewing the appointed task as something you get to do rather than something you have to do.

Life on the road is a whirlwind, a wild roller coaster with all kinds of unexpected twists and turns and tunnels and sudden drops, but it’s such a magical, extraordinary thing to experience that, given the chance, I wouldn’t choose anything else.

Endless love and thanks to my incredible band and crew for the past six months of memories I will cherish forever. I’d be nowhere without them.

And infinite acknowledgment and appreciation to each individual person who bought a ticket, came to a show, fought traffic to find the venue, listened to me sing for 95 minutes, applauded before the encore, bought a record, handed me a letter, brought cookies for the crew, waited outside the bus, asked for photos, and a million other gracious acts that made my heart melt over the past six months around the globe.

Silent gratitude is no use to anyone so I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Two years ago, if you told me, “Adam, you can quit your lackluster job, you can stop going to school for nothing and focus 100% of your time and energy on your true passion in life, you can drop everything and start writing songs, recording albums, playing shows, making friends, and ultimately devote yourself to the ONE thing in this world you’ve ever been good at…”

I would’ve never believed you, but here I am, and I don’t deserve an ounce of the grace I’ve been given.

And so for giving an undeserving shy boy from nowhere a shot at reaching out and taking hold of the dream he never thought was reachable, I thank you. Thank you with every fiber of my being.

Glory to God.

It feels good to be home.

This entry was posted on Monday, November 21st, 2011 at 4:36
Reblogged from Owl City Official Blog

Huaaaa.. love his post.
Really really love.
Love every word in this post.
That was so incredible to hear his thanks not only to his friends, family and crew. But also to his fans! (ya iyalah pastinya).
Kurang humble apa coba ini orang.

Shy boy from nowhere....
And he still shy until now. Kyaaaaaa....

Taun depan mesti nonton pokonya.
Harus! harus! harus!
It's a must!

See you next year in Indonesia, Adam! :)
READ MORE - Tourism and Nostalgia

Monday, November 21, 2011

Miris :'(

Tadi gw baru nonton berita di salah satu station tv swasta di Indonesia.
Di antara banyaknya berita yang membahas tentang pertandingan Sea Games (khususnya sepak bola yang bakal tanding di final nanti malam - Indonesia vs Malaysia), ada satu berita yang bikin gw ngerasa miris banget.

Ada satu sekolah di daerah Mojokerto yang hampir tergerus longsor.
(SDN Dilem Mojokerto kalo ga salah namanya).
Hal ini karena emang posisi sekolah yang lebih tinggi dari pemukiman penduduk.
Selain itu bangunan sekolah juga memang udah mulai rapuh.
Keadaan makin parah karena sekarang udah masuk musim hujan.

Kejadian longsor ini bukan ga memakan korban.
Ga sedikit siswa yang terpeleset, dan bahkan sampe ada yang pingsan karena jatuh ke tempat longsor.

Pihak sekolah cuma bisa menanggulanginya dengan memasang pagar pembatas di sekitar tempat yang longsor dan berharap supaya pemerintah setempat bisa lebih tanggap sama masalah ini.

Hmmm. See guys?
Miris banget bukan?

Gw memang belom bisa ngelakuin apa-apa saat ini.
Yang gw bisa ya cuma nulis dan nulis.
Nulis apa yang gw liat tadi di berita.
Nulis apa yang ada dipikiran gw.
That's it.

Semoga pemerintah bisa lebih concern sama masalah ini ya.
Ga cuma pemerintah aja sih, pihak-pihak yang punya 'kemampuan finansial lebih' juga semoga bisa ikut ngebantu.
Biar adik-adik kita di SD itu bisa lebih semangat belajarnya.
READ MORE - Miris :'(


Ohayou! *udah menjelang siang ini padahal*.
Mengawali pagi yang cerah, paling ajib dengerin yang satu ini.

READ MORE - Ohayou!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

10 Myths About Introverts

I recently stumbled across a blog written by Carl King about the phenomenon known as the introverted human being and it struck a major chord with me. After each bullet, I felt like standing up and shouting “YESSSSSSSSS!” at the top of my lungs because these points (made by author Marti Laney, Psy.D) are total home runs. As an extreme introvert, this is like sweet manna from heaven.

I was lucky enough to discover a book called, The Introvert Advantage (How To Thrive in an Extrovert World), by Marti Laney, Psy.D. I feel like someone has written an encyclopedia entry on a rare race of people to which I belong. Not only has it explained many of my eccentricities, it helps me to redefine my entire life in a new and positive context.

Sure, anyone who knows me would say, “Duh! Why did it take you so long to realize you’re an Introvert?” It’s not that simple. The problem is that labeling someone as an Introvert is a very shallow assessment, full of common misconceptions. It’s more complex than that. (Since Carl King is talking about it, it has to be.)

A section of Laney’s book maps out the human brain and explains how neuro-transmitters follow different dominant paths in the nervous systems of Introverts and Extroverts. If the science behind the book is correct, it turns out that Introverts are people who are over-sensitive to Dopamine, so too much external stimulation overdoses and exhausts them. Conversely, Extroverts can’t get enough Dopamine, and they require Adrenaline for their brains to create it. Extroverts also have a shorter pathway and less blood-flow to the brain. The messages of an Extrovert’s nervous system mostly bypass the Broca’s area in the frontal lobe, which is where a large portion of contemplation takes place.

Unfortunately, according to the book, only about 25% of people are Introverts. There are even fewer that are as extreme as I am. This leads to a lot of misunderstandings, since society doesn’t have very much experience with my people. (I love being able to say that.)

So here are a few common misconceptions about Introverts (I put this list together myself, some of them are things I actually believed):

Myth #1 – Introverts don’t like to talk.
This is not true. Introverts just don’t talk unless they have something to say. They hate small talk. Get an introvert talking about something they are interested in, and they won’t shut up for days.

Myth #2 – Introverts are shy.
Shyness has nothing to do with being an Introvert. Introverts are not necessarily afraid of people. What they need is a reason to interact. They don’t interact for the sake of interacting. If you want to talk to an Introvert, just start talking. Don’t worry about being polite.

Myth #3 – Introverts are rude.
Introverts often don’t see a reason for beating around the bush with social pleasantries. They want everyone to just be real and honest. Unfortunately, this is not acceptable in most settings, so Introverts can feel a lot of pressure to fit in, which they find exhausting.

Myth #4 – Introverts don’t like people.
On the contrary, Introverts intensely value the few friends they have. They can count their close friends on one hand. If you are lucky enough for an introvert to consider you a friend, you probably have a loyal ally for life. Once you have earned their respect as being a person of substance, you’re in.

Myth #5 – Introverts don’t like to go out in public.
Nonsense. Introverts just don’t like to go out in public FOR AS LONG. They also like to avoid the complications that are involved in public activities. They take in data and experiences very quickly, and as a result, don’t need to be there for long to “get it.” They’re ready to go home, recharge, and process it all. In fact, recharging is absolutely crucial for Introverts.

Myth #6 – Introverts always want to be alone.
Introverts are perfectly comfortable with their own thoughts. They think a lot. They daydream. They like to have problems to work on, puzzles to solve. But they can also get incredibly lonely if they don’t have anyone to share their discoveries with. They crave an authentic and sincere connection with ONE PERSON at a time.

Myth #7 – Introverts are weird.
Introverts are often individualists. They don’t follow the crowd. They’d prefer to be valued for their novel ways of living. They think for themselves and because of that, they often challenge the norm. They don’t make most decisions based on what is popular or trendy.

Myth #8 – Introverts are aloof nerds.
Introverts are people who primarily look inward, paying close attention to their thoughts and emotions. It’s not that they are incapable of paying attention to what is going on around them, it’s just that their inner world is much more stimulating and rewarding to them.

Myth #9 – Introverts don’t know how to relax and have fun.
Introverts typically relax at home or in nature, not in busy public places. Introverts are not thrill seekers and adrenaline junkies. If there is too much talking and noise going on, they shut down. Their brains are too sensitive to the neurotransmitter called Dopamine. Introverts and Extroverts have different dominant neuro-pathways. Just look it up.

Myth #10 – Introverts can fix themselves and become Extroverts.
A world without Introverts would be a world with few scientists, musicians, artists, poets, filmmakers, doctors, mathematicians, writers, and philosophers. That being said, there are still plenty of techniques an Extrovert can learn in order to interact with Introverts. (Yes, I reversed these two terms on purpose to show you how biased our society is.) Introverts cannot “fix themselves” and deserve respect for their natural temperament and contributions to the human race. In fact, one study (Silverman, 1986) showed that the percentage of Introverts increases with IQ.

It can be terribly destructive for an Introvert to deny themselves in order to get along in an Extrovert-Dominant World. Like other minorities, Introverts can end up hating themselves and others because of the differences. If you think you are an Introvert, I recommend you research the topic and seek out other Introverts to compare notes. The burden is not entirely on Introverts to try and become “normal.” Extroverts need to recognize and respect us, and we also need to respect ourselves.


Reblogged from Owl City Official Blog
READ MORE - 10 Myths About Introverts

Friday, November 18, 2011

I wanna go to Minnesota tomorrow!

Entah kenapa kalo lagi insomnia gini pasti khayalan gw tinggi sekali.
Setinggi puncak gunung *naik naik ke puncak gunung, tinggi tinggi sekali..*
Setinggi menara Burj Khalifa di Dubai.
Setinggi langit di angkasa (mulai out of topic).

Kaya di dini hari ini contohnya.
Tiba-tiba ada satu tempat di dunia ini yang sangat ingin gw kunjungi.
Tempat itu adalah...
Jeng jeng jeng..
Eng ing eng...

Owatonna merupakan sebuah kota di Minnesota, Amerika Serikat dan berpenduduk sekitar 25.599 jiwa (sensus th 2010).
Terus, apa alasannya gw pengen ke sana?
And the big reason i wanna go there is :

Ahahaa. LOL. 
Absurd banget bukan sodara sodari?
Norak benerr ye gw.. Wakakak..
Gembel gembel.. 

Lagian,, Why he's so hilarious and so adorable for me, huh?
Bikin gw ngayal di dini hari gini kan.
*terus sekarang jadi nyalahin si Adam Young nya, gitu?*
Tapi setelah gw googling, ternyata Owatonna-Minnesota itu oke juga loh.
*jadi tambah pengen ke sana*


Menurut artikel yang gw baca, tempat-tempat yang wajib dikunjungi kalo lagi di Minnesota adalah :
1. Southpark Lanes and Lounge
2. 3-Corners Liquor
3. Owatonna Roller Rink
4. Havana Hills Golf Course
5. Hair Studio One
6. Village of Yesteryear
7. Kaplan Woods Parkway
8. Hidden Creek Golf Club
9. Martin's Cycling and Fitness
10. Marry Sue Creations

dan tempat ke sebelas yang wajib dikunjungi *selain rumah si Adam of course* (versi gw) adalah :


dan kalian tau alasannya kenapa?
lagi-lagi alasannya adalah karena ini :

Adam and his Camera in Duluth Aerial Lift Bridge 

I think there's gonna be my favorite place too >.<

*Hahh... beginilah kalo seorang bocah udah 'addict' sama sesuatu.
Jadi mohon dimaklumi aja yak.*

Terus, kapan nih kita ke Minnesota nya?

I wanna go to Minnesota Tomorrow!

Source :
READ MORE - I wanna go to Minnesota tomorrow!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Adam Young (Owl City) Live Chat on Livestream (HQ) June 11, 2011

He looks so so so adorable..
Dijamin bakalan mimpi indah setelah liat ini.
I guarantee.
Have a nice dream :)

READ MORE - Adam Young (Owl City) Live Chat on Livestream (HQ) June 11, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Reality is a lovely place, but i wouldn't want to live there

Tau ga? sebenernya hari ini gw sedih. 
Karena ternyata gw ga mendapatkan apa yang gw inginkan dan gw harapkan. 
Belum rejeki gw memang..

Tapi gimana ya? sedih juga sih rasanya. 
Untungnya agak sedikit kebantu pas nyokap ngomong "Jangan putus asa vi, masih banyak kesempatan".
Padahal nyokap cuma ngomong gitu doang, tapi ga tau kenapa buat gw itu berarti banget. 
Kata-kata nyokap sangat amat membantu gw biar gw ga demotivasi.

Memang ga semua yang kita pengen bisa kita dapetin.
Kita cuma bisa berencana bukan?

Kalo kata Adam Young sih "Reality is a lovely place, but i wouldn't want to live there".
Yap, itu juga yang gw rasakan saat ini.
READ MORE - Reality is a lovely place, but i wouldn't want to live there

He Is We - All About Us ft. Owl City

Galau yuk!
Udah lama ga galau nih. *terus galau ngajak-ngajak?*

Yuk marii kita mulai penggalauannya dini hari ini.
Sambil dengerin yang satu ini nih.
Dijamin tambah galau.
Selamat Menikmati :)

READ MORE - He Is We - All About Us ft. Owl City

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Ceremai or Dewandaru?

Tadi pas lagi di halaman rumah, gw melihat salah satu pohon yang lagi berbuah. Iseng-iseng gw foto aja deh pohon + buahnya. Kalo kata orang-orang di sekitar rumah gw sih, pohon ini namanya pohon ceremai. Waktu kecil gw suka banget makan buahnya. Asem asem gimanaaa gitu. Tapi kalo yang udah merah banget sih ada manis-manisnya dikit.
Ini dia pohon (yang kata tetangga gw pohon ceremai) yang gw foto tadi :

Sebelum posting ini, gw sempet googling dulu. Dan ternyata pas gw googling dengan keyword 'ceremai', gw menemukan gambar buah yang berbeda. 
Ini buah ceremai hasil googlingan gw :

Dan ini buah (yang kata tetangga gw buah ceremai) yang ada di halaman rumah gw : 

Kalo diliat dari bentuknya sih memang agak mirip ya. Warnanya sih yang beda jauh. 
Nah, akhirnya setelah gw googling lagi kesana kemari, gw menemukan pencerahan. 
Buah yang ada di halaman rumah gw ini sebenarnya bernama Dewandaru (Eugenia Uniflora), aslinya berasal dari Brazilia.

Dewandaru ini memang sering juga disebut 'belimbing londo' atau 'ceremai asam' oleh sebagian besar masyarakat kita. Ga heran kan kenapa tetangga di rumah gw pada bilang kalo buah ini bernama ceremai. 
Ternyata Dewandaru ini punya banyak khasiat loh, Dewandaru punya kandungan antioksidan yang lebih atraktif dibandingkan dengan buah dan sayuran lainnya. Karena itulah buah atau daun dewandaru dipercaya dapat mencegah munculnya tumor atau kanker. Manfaat lain dari buah Dewandaru adalah dapat mengobati rematik dan mengurangi tekanan darah tinggi. Bijinya juga ternyata berkhasiat untuk mengobati diare. Sedangkan daunnya mempunyai khasiat yaitu dapat menurunkan kolesterol dan penghilang rasa sakit karena mengandung minyak atsiri yang bekerja sebagai analgesik (penghilang rasa sakit). 
Waaah, ga nyangka banget ternyata pohon yang ada di depan rumah gw ini punya banyak manfaat. *Hellowww kemana aja lw phe??* 
Cuma dari beberapa artikel yang gw baca sih memang buah ini belum cukup terkenal manfaatnya di masyarakat. Sayang banget kan. Padahal buahnya kecil, tapi khasiatnya banyak banget.

Dan manfaat lain yang belum disebutin di atas adalah ternyata buah Dewandaru lucu juga kalo dijadiin objek 'kreatifitas' gw kaya gini, haha :p : 



READ MORE - Ceremai or Dewandaru?
Tiny Kaoani